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Глава 5. Мозжечок


The cerebellum is a central organ for fine motor control. It

processes information from multiple sensory channels (particularly vestibular and proprioceptive), together with motor impulses, and modulates the activity of motor nuclear areas in the brain and spinal cord.

Anatomically, the cerebellum is made up of two hemispheres and the

vermis that lies between them. It is connected to the brainstem by the three cerebellar peduncles. An anatomical section reveals the cerebellar cortex and the underlying white matter, in which the deep cerebellar nuclei are embedded.

The cerebellar cortex is primarily responsible for the integration and processing of afferent impulses. It projects to the deep cerebellar nuclei, which then emit most of the efferent fibers that leave the cerebellum.

Functionally (and phylogenetically), the cerebellum is divided into three components: the vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum, and cerebrocerebellum.

The vestibulocerebellum is phylogenetically oldest. It receives afferent input mainly from the vestibular organ, and its function is to regulate balance.

The spinocerebellum mainly processes proprioceptive impulses from the spinocerebellar pathways and controls stance and gait.

The youngest component of the cerebellum, the cerebrocerebellum, has a close functional relationship with the motor cortex of the telencephalon and is responsible for the smooth and precise execution of all finely controlled movements. Cerebellar lesions manifest themselves clinically with disturbances of movement and balance.


Мозжечок - центральный орган точной координации движений. Он

обрабатывает информацию из нескольких сенсорных каналов (в частности, вестибулярного и проприоцептивного) вместе с моторными импульсами и модулирует активность области двигательных ядер в головном и спинном мозге.

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