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In recent years there has been an increase in the number of foreign students studying in medical schools of the Russian Federation. At the same time, many foreign students choose English language training. It should be recognised that there are certain practical difficulties for this category of students and their teachers. They are connected with the fact that, on the one hand, we can make full use of foreign publications in the English language for teaching in Russian schools since the program of preparation in our country has certain differences from the traditional programs of other countries. On the other hand, there are currently insufficient textbooks, which would correspond to the program of higher medical education in Russia and have been published in English. In connection with this edition represented, in our opinion, it is timely, necessary and practical importance.

Traditionally difficult to teach is oncogynaecology. Questions of aetiology and pathogenesis of neoplastic processes are constantly debated and reviewed in connection with the acquisition of new scientific data, and methods of treatment are constantly being improved with the advent of new technological and pharmacological knowledge. At the same time, information about the clinical features of the flow of pre-cancerous and malignant cervical, endometrial and ovarian disease, undoubtedly important for the correct differential diagnosis and selection of the optimal volume of therapeutic measures, continues to increase.

This book presents the basic questions oncogynaecology in accordance with modern knowledge. The study of additional literature, a list of which is presented at the end of the publication, will allow readers to expand their knowledge in matters of oncogy-necology. We consider it important placement in the book of tests that allow objective evaluation of the received knowledge.

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