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In the structure of cancer incidence of women malignant cervical tumours account for almost 15%; also among reproductive system lesions they consistently rank third after breast cancer and endometrial cancer. In the structure of cancer mortality cervical cancer also ranks third, behind only ovarian and endometrial cancer. The disease belongs to the category of «visual localisations», while the quality of diagnosis does not improve.

In Russia, the initial cancer is detected in 15,8% of primary patients; advanced cervical cancer of III-IV stages - in 39,5% of cases. CODE ICD-10 C53 Malignant neoplasm of the cervix.


Every year in the world 370 000 primary cervical cancer patients are registered and 190 000 women die from this disease. Most cases of cervical cancer (78%) occur in the developing countries, which corresponds to 15% of all malignancies. It is the second most common cause of death. In developed countries cervical cancer accounts for 4,4% of all malignant tumours, in Russia - 5,1%.

The incidence over 10 years had slightly decreased from - 57,6 to 51,3% (in 2003). The peak incidence occurs at the age of 40-50 years. In younger women in the age group up to 40 years, there is a marked growth of morbidity. Especially there is a tendency to increase the incidence f cervical cancer in people under 29 years - 7% per year. This reflects both the low level of health education among the population, and a lack of attention paid to the treatment of background and pre-cancerous cervical disease in high-risk groups. Gynaecologists of general health services have practically no oncological vigilance during the examination of young women.

The fact of increase in the number of cases in this age group is considered a direct reflection of the low level of sexual culture of the population, associated with the lack of adequate information on the role of contraceptives in preventing sexually transmitted infections.

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