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Доброкачественные опухоли и опухолевидные образования яичников


Benign tumours of the ovaries - is one of the most urgent problems of modern gynecology, as they occur at any age, reduce the reproductive potential of the woman and are an indication for surgical treatment. The risk of malignancy remains high, the results of treatment of malignant ovarian tumours are not satisfactory, since most patients go to the doctor already with an advanced stage.

Code ICD-10 D27 Benign tumours of the ovaries.

N83.0 Follicular ovarian cyst.

N83.1 Cyst of the corpus luteum.

N83.2 Other and unspecified ovarian cysts.

Q50,5 Embryonic cyst of broad ligament.


It is believed that 1 in 70 newborn girls will develop an ovarian tumour during her life, and 1 in 100 will die from ovarian cancer. Tumours and tumour-like formations of the ovaries make up to 14% of tumours of female genital organs, the benign ones - up to 80% of all ovarian tumours, with the majority represented by cystic formations requiring differential diagnosis with retention cysts. Almost every woman in her lifetime encounters one or another disease, accompanied by an enlarged ovary. Benign tumours account for 85% of all tumours; and the chance that the tumour in a patient under 45 years turn out to be malignant is 1 out of 15.

Ovarian cancer ranks first among the late detection of tumours of the female reproductive system, it makes the most significant contribution to the mortality rates from genital cancers.

Thus, the number of dead patients with first registered cancer among patients with endometrial cancer is of 13,4%, breast - 12%, cervical - 20% ovarian cancer - 31,1%. Thus among the late discoveries among the taken on account with breast cancer was 37,8%, endometrial - 20%, cervical - 39%, ovarian - 65%!

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