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The aetiology of ovarian tumours is unknown. In the origin of the ovarian tumour-ous formations a major role belongs to hormonal disorders and possibly inflammation. However, proving the role of some hormonal disorders for certain failed. There is a concept of the increased load ovulatory on the ovary, the so-called continuous ovulation hypothesis, confirmed by more frequent occurrence of tumours in the one gonad remaining after unilateral adnexectomy. It is believed that epithelial tumours arise from inclusive cysts (inclusion cysts, germ cysts) surface epithelium occurring in places of frequent ovulation, by immersion of the surface epithelium of the ovary into the underlying stroma.

However, the role of ovulation stimulants in this connection has not been proven conclusively. There is a widespread of the theory of epithelial ovarian tumours development from the surface epithelium.

Is assumed that genital cord tumours and germ cell tumours may develop as a result of fetal abnormalities due to the hypergonadotropinemia, which explains the age peak incidence of ovarian tumours in the period of puberty and perimenopause.

Risk factors for ovarian tumours:

• early menarche;

• late menopause;

• reproductive disorders;

• high-calorie diet with a high content of saturated fatty acids;

• genetic predisposition;

• infertility;

• smoking.

Neuroendocrine disorders, thyroid diseases, obesity are not significantly associated with ovarian tumours and are not described in the evidential models.


The pathogenesis of ovarian tumours is studied insufficiently and causes a lot of debate. It is believed that epithelial ovarian tumours develop from the surface epithelium as a result of the formation of inclusion cysts, possibly, on the background of hypergonadotropinemia. Hormonal disorders, as well as immune, from the

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