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Рак яичников


Code ICD-10 C56.

Malignant neoplasm of the ovary.


Malignant tumours of the reproductive system are more frequent (35%) than other cancers of women. Ovarian cancer is 4-6% of malignant tumours in women and ranks seventh in frequency. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, annually in the world there are registered more than 165 000 new cases of ovarian cancer, and more than 100 000 women die from malignant ovarian tumours. In Europe, especially in the Nordic countries and the UK, as well as in North America standardised incidence rates is the highest (12,5 or more per 100 000). In Russia, ovarian cancer is diagnosed each year more than in 11 000 women (10,17 per 100 000). This pathology is ranked seventh in the structure of total cancer incidence (5%) and the third among gynaecological tumours (after the uterine body and cervical cancer). Over the past 10 years there was witnessed a significant increase in the disease (8,5%).

The survival of patients with this pathology is low. Only in the first year after diagnosis, every third patient dies. According to the summary data of population cancer registries in Europe, one-year survival of patients with ovarian cancer is 63%, three-year - 41%, five-year - 35%.


Prevention of ovarian cancer does not exist due to the lack of a full understanding of the aetiology and pathogenesis of this disease. Unfortunately, the only thing that oncologists can offer at the moment, it is a regular monitoring by gynaecologist for early detection of ovarian formations, prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases, leading to infertility.

The latter increases the risk of disease, while a large number of pregnancies and births have a significant protective effect.

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