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Preface to the second edition (2019)

There are many foreign students studying in medical schools/universities in Russia. In the beginning, many of them do not know the Russian language well. English is much easier for them to read. Especially for their use, in 2008 an English edition of the ?Immunology? textbook, corresponding to the course of immunology offered in Russian medical schools/universities, was published by GEOTAR-Media Publishing Group. The ?Immunology? had an attached exam on a CD, and students could use it to test their understanding of the subject. The textbook soon became very popular among medical students with poor knowledge of Russian.

Now, a decade later, we decided to republish and update the textbook ?Immunology?. This is consistent with the May 2018 Presidential Decree with the goal of doubling the number of foreign students in Russian tertiary educational institutions, including medical schools/universities.

We thoroughly edited and corrected both style and narrative of the textbook. Also, we included the most critical scientific advances in the field of Immunology that have occurred during the past decade. The accompanying exam is now posted on the educational portal in the ?Student Consultant'' system, along with the electronic version of the textbook; it is presented in the form of an interactive test.

I would like to thank Drs Alexander L. Kovalchuk (MD, PhD, Laboratory of Immunogenetics, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Rockville, MD) and Nariman M. Panahian (MD, PhD, Consultant, NPC, Germantown, MD) for editorial assistance.

I would appreciate your comments, please send them to rkhaitov@mail.ru.

R.M. Khaitov

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