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Ergonomics is the science that studies the human and his activities in order to improve the instruments, working conditions and optimize the working process.

The objective of ergonomics, on the one hand, is to make the work efficient, on the other hand - to provide the individual user with comfortable working conditions, promoting his health.

Dentists and dental assistants have a high risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The most frequent problems are pain in the back, neck, lower back, shoulders, hands (carpal syndrome). Various surveys indicate that these challenges are faced by 54-97% of dentists.

Factors contributing to the development of musculoskeletal problems in a dentist:

► repetitive movements;

► an awkward position;

► prolonged exposure to the same position;

► poor posture during operation;

► asymmetrical tension of back muscles;

► emotional stress.

Therefore, the goal of ergonomics in dentistry is to reduce the negative impact of these factors.

Dental ergonomics is a huge and continuously developing area. As it is not possible to include all information about that in one chapter, the most important topics will be covered below.


Dental treatment is associated with a significant tension of the dentist's hands. This tension may cause carpal syndrome over time.

Carpal syndrome (Carpal tunnel syndrome,CTS) is a chronic condition caused by compression of the median nerve of the carpus (nervus medianus) between inelastic carpal ligaments and tendons of the forearm muscles.

Most important points in carpal syndrome prevention are instrument balance, handling the instruments, instrument grip and hand stabilization (finger rest).

Instrument balance is a special mutual alignment of the working part and longitudinal axis of a handle. In a correctly balanced instrument the working part is within 2 mm from the longitudinal axis (fig. 4.1). Using of correctly balanced of instruments decreases stress and tension of the hand and also improves tactile sensitivity.

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