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Test. Dental Restorative Materials (CHOOSE ONE ANSWER)

1. Dental restorative materials should meet the following equirements:

a) to provide hermetic closure of cavity;

b) to have high wear resistance;

c) to match the natural tooth color;

d) good handling properties;

e) all variants are correct.

2. There are two types of materials for isolation linings:

a) thin lining;

b) base lining;

c) dentin-enamel lining;

d) esthetic lining;

e) a and b;

f) c and d;

g) a, b and c.

3. Which materials we can use for isolation cavity linings:

a) composites;

b) zinc phospate cement;

c) zinc eugenol cement;

d) glass ionomer cement;

e) c and d;

f) a and b;

g) b and d.

4. The peak of photopolymerization lamp wavelength is:

a) around 460 nm;

b) around 360 nm;

c) 546 nm;

d) 366 nm.

5. Photopolymerization shrinkage of self-curing composites is directed towards:

a) outside;

b) lateral walls;

c) center.

6. Light intensity is higher and the time of exposition is shorter in the following polymerization lamp:

a) LED lamp;

b) halogen lamp.

7. Etching of enamel is carried out for:

a) 15 seconds;

b) 5 seconds;

c) 20 seconds;

d) 1 minute.

8. Concentration of orthophosphoric acid for etching is:

a) 20%;

b) 37%;

c) 15%;

d) 3%.

9. Photopolymerization initiator in light-cured composites is:

a) tertiary amine;

b) camphoroquinone;

c) hydroquinone;


10. Liquid component in polycarboxylate cement is:

a) phosphoric acid;

b) polyacrylic acid;

c) polymaleinic acid;

d) hydrogen peroxide.

11. What are the advantages of glass ionomer cements:

a) satisfactory esthetic properties;

b) high biocompatibility;

c) easy to use;

d) relative cheapness;

e) all variants are correct.

12. What is the main component of glass ionomer powder:

a) fluorapatite;

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