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9.1. General emergency care requirements

First aid includes the following three groups of activities.

1. Immediate cessation of exposure of external damaging factors (electric current, high or low temperature, crushing by heavy loads) and removal of the victim from the adverse conditions to which he/she was exposed (extraction from water, removal from a burning room, from a room where toxic gases accumulated).

2. Providing emergency first aid to the victim depending on the nature and type of injury, accident or sudden illness (arrest of bleeding, applying a bandage to the wound, artificial respiration, heart massage, etc.).

3. The organisation of the speedy delivery (transportation) of a sick or injured person to the medical organisation.

First aid algorithm.

1. Make sure that at first aid nothing threatens you and you do not endanger yourself.

2. Ensure safety for the victim and others (for example, remove the victim from a burning vehicle).

3. Check for the presence of signs of life in the victim (pulse, breathing, pupil reaction to light) and consciousness.

4. Call for the specialists: 103, 112 - from the mobile phone, from city phone - 03 (ambulance) or 01 (rescuers).

5. Provide emergency first aid. Depending on the situation, this may be:

 restoration of airway patency;

 cardiopulmonary resuscitation;

 cessation of bleeding and other procedures.

6. Provide physical and psychological comfort to the victim, wait for the arrival of specialists.

Emergency medical care can and should be provided to an unconscious person. Article 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Abandonment in danger" refers to the criminal liability of the citizen who did not report what happened and left the victim. If a person is conscious, it is necessary to ask: "Can I help you?" If he/she refuses - you should not help. In case of a child up to 14 years old, unaccompanied by relatives, regardless of their consent or disagreement, assistance should be provided if parents are present, their consent must be provided. If the patient poses a danger or threat to the medical staff, it is better to call the police. Consent to medical care in case of suicide attempts is not required. You must not exceed the level of your competence (qualification): give any medications (except for medications that the patient received as prescribed by the doctor), perform any complex medical manipulations.

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