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Heart is a source of life, the beginning of all, the sun of a microcosm on which

life depends, freshness and force of an organism.

U. Garvey, 1628

Goal: to get a notion about the basic signs of cardiovascular diseases and methods of the first pre-medical help in their occurrence; common care of patients with cardiovascular diseases; to master skills.

Knowledge objectives:

► to know normal parameters of pulse and blood pressure and their values in pathology; basic signs of cardiovascular diseases and a pathogenesis of their development; characteristic features of the general care of patients with cardiovascular diseases; measures of the first pre-medical help in the major signs of cardiovascular diseases; diet peculiarities in cardiovascular diseases.

Skill objectives:

► to develop practical skills: taking the arterial pulse, blood pressure, estimating the water balance, assistance to a doctor performing transab-dominal puncture.


1) arterial pulse, techniques of taking, its basic characteristics;

2) blood pressure, techniques of measuring. Concepts of arterial hypertension, hypertensive crisis, arterial hypotension;

3) the basic signs of cardiovascular diseases and the first pre-medical help in their appearance;

4) diet in cardiovascular diseases;

5) techniques of a transabdominal puncture (laparocenthesis) and assistance to a doctor.

Equipment required: medical tonometer (sphygmomanometer), a stop watch, balance, temperature chart, graduated jar.

Cardiovascular diseases such as essential or arterial hypertension (AH)1, coronary heart disease (CHD), heart failure (HF) are now the most widespread and dangerous diseases. So, AH is present nearly in each second adult person (J.N. Belenkov, 2002); lipid disorders underlying CHD are found in 60% of Russian inhabitants. Thus, the amount of cardiovascular diseases annually grows by 4.7%, with an annual accretion of approximately 1 million patients in Russia. Mortality in Russia exceeds by 2.5 times mortality in the developed countries. It is even called «supermortality», as out of 148 million inhabitants of Russia, over 1 million people die annually (900 person for 100 000 population), and according to official statistics, the population of Russia can be cut down by half in 60 years. Almost 56% of this total mortality is due to cardiovascular mortality, and now the mortality from AH in the young age group has dramatically increased. By the level of mortality from stroke, this basic complication of AH, Russia occupies first place in the world. Thus, cardiovascular diseases threaten the national safety of Russia.

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