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The present manual "Biochemistry of connective tissue. Biochemistry of mixed saliva" is intended for a course of biochemistry for students of Dentistry receiving instruction in English. The manual contains a section ''Biochemistry of connective tissue" which provides information about the chemical structure and metabolism of molecules composing the intercellular matrix; while the "Biochemistry of mixed saliva" section introduces students to specifics of the composition of oral fluid, as well as the important role of salivary gland secretion in providing resistance to caries.

The contents of both sections are structuralized and convenient for learning. Each topic is supplied with situational problems. Many problems are integrated in nature and involve tasks from general biochemistry, as well as from biochemistry of connective tissue and mixed saliva. Meeting the challenge the student has to understand that the onset and development of most dental diseases result from systemic disruption of metabolism on the whole.

The manual has been prepared in compliance with syllabus approved by Academic-methodical council of Dentistry faculty at the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

The authors express their acknowledgment of the contribution made by L.I. Usay and E.V. Babchenko to the translation and reviewing of the present manual.

Prof. Glukhov A.I.,

head of Biochemistry Chair, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation

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