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Hospital is a place of shelter where sick people are taken care of and where they can be admitted.

Florence Nightingale

Goal: to get a notion about the rules of the emergency department (admitting department, reception ward) and hospitalization of patients at medical institutions, about the structure of the emergency department, sanitary-and-epidemiologic regimens of emergency department; to master skills.

Knowledge objectives:

► to know the arrangement and equipment of the emergency department, duties of a nurse and a junior nurse, the rules of reception and registration of patients, filling in passport data into a case history (medical card, record card), inspection of skin and hair covering, disinfection of a patient in pediculosis detection, sanitization of patients (complete and partial);

Skill objectives:

► to develop practical skills in rendering hygienic baths, anthropometry (weighing a patient, measurement of height, measurement of the chest circle), transportation of a patient by a wheelchair and a stretcher.


1) an emergency department of the hospital;

2) reception and registration of patients;

3) sanitization of a patient at the emergency department;

4) the order of hospitalization, the basic methods and ways of transportation of patients to departments;

5) practical skills.

Equipment required: tables, a log-book of reception of patients, a case history, a statistical card, journal of refusals in hospitalization, medical weight-scale, height meter, a wheelchair, a wheel-stretcher, a stretcher.

The emergency department is an important treatment and diagnostic department of a hospital. At the emergency department, medical documentation (case history, registration book) is filled in; primary examination, anthropometry (from Greek: anthropos - a person, metreo - to measure) and saniti-zation of the admitted patients are carried out, and in case of need the medical aid is rendered. Success of the subsequent treatment of a patient, and in urgent cases the life of a patient depend to a certain degree on how professionally, quickly and effectively the medical staff of this department operates.

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