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1. The science that studies various diseases and lesions whose treatment requires the use of tissue stimulation techniques, which is accompanied by the solution of the body tissue continuity to detect and eliminate an abnormal focus is called:

1) therapy;

2) anatomy; 3)surgery;

4) traumatology.

2. Specifics of nursing patients at a surgical in-patient facility are associated with:

1) severe patient population, the need for complicated, intricate manipulations;

2) high exactingness of the in-patient facility administration;

3) organisational set-up of the surgical hospital;

4) mood swings of the patients.

3. The discovery made by N.I. Pirogov:

1) he was the first to use a plaster cast;

2) he used artificial lung ventilation;

3) he introduced the cardiovascular surgery;

4) he used phlebonarcosis.

4. The distinguished surgeon of the XX century whose doubtless merit in this field is the introduction of local anaesthesia:

1) N.N. Burdenko;

2) A.A. Vishnevsky;

3) S.P. Fedorov;

4) V.A. Oppel.

5. In the surgical unit, allocated are special zones in quantity of:

1) two;

2) three;

3) four;

4) five.

6. The red line in the surgical unit is among the:

1) general and strict access regimens;

2) strict access and aseptic regimens;

3) general and aseptic regimens;

4) restricted and general regimens.

7. The general cleaning of the operating room is carried out:

1) once a week;

2) twice a week;

3) once a month;

4) once every 3 months.

8. The operating area in the zone of:

1) general regimen;

2) strict access regimen;

3) aseptic regimen;

4) restricted regimen.

9. Which complication is associated with the infringement of the rules of aseptics and antiseptics while administering injections:

1) air embolism and fat embolism;

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