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Choose one correct answer.

1. The situation in a certain area resulting from an accident, disaster, natural hazard, natural or other disaster that could cause or result in human casualties, damage to human health is referred to as:

a) emergency situation;

b) state of emergency;

c) emergency;

d) serious accident.

2. A dangerous technogenic incident posing a threat to life and health of people, leading to the destruction of buildings, constructions, causing damage to health and environment is called:

a) accident;

b) disaster;

c) natural disaster;

d) serious accident.

3. The sudden, fleeting event that caused human casualties, damage to human health, destruction or demolition of facilities and other material assets in significant amounts, as well as causing serious damage to the environment is called:

a) disaster;

b) accident;

c) natural disaster;

d) serious accident.

4. A dangerous natural phenomenon or geophysical, geological, hydrologi-cal, atmospheric, biospheric or other nature, causing emergency situations characterized by a sudden disruption of the functioning of a community, destruction or loss of material assets, injury or death of people is called:

a) natural disaster;

b) disaster;

c) accident;

d) serious accident.

5. Storms, frosts, heat, drought refer to__disasters:

a) meteorological;

b) topological;

c) tectonic;

d) telluric.

6. Floods, snowfalls, landslides, snowdrifts, mudflows refer to_di-


a) topological;

b) meteorological;

c) tectonic;

d) telluric.

7. Earthquakes are attributed to_disasters:

a) tectonic;

b) meteorological;

c) topological;

d) telluric.

8. Factors of mechanical, thermal, radiation, chemical, biological, psycho-emotional nature, leading to injury of people, environment, infrastructure are called:

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