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Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that studies a dental-maxillary system as a whole and its development, anatomy, and physiology. Also, it aims to study the aetiology and pathogenesis of various anomalies at different levels (teeth, dentition, jaws, jawbones, the temporomandibular joint). Orthodontics, as a branch of science, is also involved in the development of prevention and treatment methods. The relationship between all body systems and functions organism is taken into consideration.

Nowadays, children's prosthetics is an actively developing branch of dentistry. The beginning was laid down in the 1930s.

This manual sets out the main provisions on the aetiology, treatment, and prevention of deformities of teeth, dentition and jawbones. Until recently, prosthetics for children during the period of deciduous teeth and the mixed bite were considered to be inefficient, as it was presumed to cause a delay in the growth and development ofjaws. However, nowadays, it has been proved that the manufacture of proper prosthetics, both removable and fixed, positively affects the dental system of a growing organism.

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