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Chapter 2 UPPER LIMB

Fig. 2.1. Deltoid region: 1 - coracoid process of scapula; 2 - deltoid branch of the thoracoacromial artery; 3 - intertubercular synovial sheath; 4 - tendon of long head of biceps brachii muscle; 5 - short head of biceps brachii muscle and coracobrachialis muscle; 6 - subdeltoid bursa; 7 - posterior circumflex humerus artery and vein; 8 - tendon of greater pectoral muscle; 9 - humerus; 10 - subdeltoid bursa; 11 - subacromial bursa; 12 - head of humerus; 13 - subcostal muscle; 14 - deltoid muscle; 15 - surgical collum; 16 - minor pectoral muscle; 17 - subaxillary nerve; 18 - anterior circumflex humerus artery and vein; 19 - teres major muscle


The upper extremity following basic topography-anatomic regions have distinguished: deltoid region, axillary region, brachial region, cubital region, antebrachial region, hand region.


Borders. Anterior - deltoid thoracic sulcus, posterior - posterior deltoid sulcus. The region under the form and the location corresponds to deltoid muscle.

External relief. The region has the convex form caused by the head of humerus. Layers

1. Skin.

2. Subcutaneous tissue. In it, cutaneous branches of supraclavicular and axillary nerves pass.

3. Superficial fascia.

4. Proprior fascia. It forms the fascial sheath for deltoid muscle. Fascial septa depart deep into the muscle between its muscular bunches.

5. Muscles. Deltoid muscle has the convex-triangular form, by the wide basis is turned upwards and medially to the clavicle and acromial process of scapula, by the apex - downwards to deltoid tuberosity of humerus.

6. Subdeltoid cellulous space. It contains three mucous bursae: subdeltoid (the most constant), subacromial and subscapular, connected with the cavity of shoulder joint.

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