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Thought makes the whole dignity of man; therefore endeavor to think well, that is the only morality.

Blaise Pascal

A priori, life does not possess a moral sense. We are the ones that impair it with a special humanistic, moral sense.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Ethics is something all-pervading, determining the sense of entire universe as a whole, of every person, and of every personal action.

N.O. Lossky

Ethics has a long history of coming into being and development. It has become the special area of philosophical reflection on moral and ethics spheres of the social living and human activity including their natural-objective and subjective-personal interconnections and interrelation within various collectives and the society as a whole. It is a system of unique philosophical ideas and ideals, principles, norms and rules, through which moral and ethical requirements are established for all people and for each individual person in their social behavior and collective activities. The concepts of "morality" and "ethics? were, by some thinkers of the past and even nowadays, considered synonymous. As demonstrated by the history of emergence and development of the ethical thought, there are sufficient reasons for that. But in any case, it has to be noted that concepts of "morality" and "ethics" nowadays carry rather different semantic meanings.

The humane ideas and principles of ethics, beginning from antiquity to nowadays, always attracted philosophers. They considered ideology of morality and ethics through this prism of humane-semantic and essential problems of life, through the knowledge of metaphysical uniqueness of the human being, where the human in "certain extent is everything". (M. Scheler). The human being is the most amazing phenomenon on Earth. A human being possesses reason, creative initiative, willpower, feelings, and conscience. According to philosophers, a human being lives not only in the natural world, but also in the world of social culture, composed in accordance with ideas and principles of

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