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Good is the preservation of life for the living and returning it to the dying.

N.F. Fedorov

The goal consists in actualization of the unity of human beings with nature.

K. Marx

The science of survival must be built on the science of biology, enlarged beyond the traditional boundaries to include the most essential elements of the social sciences and the humanities .

V.R. Potter

Bioethics, which emerged in 1960s in the United States as a form of moralization of science in general, but especially biomedicine, in 1980s, received recognition in Europe, and in 1990s began to spread widely in Russia. The subject of bioethics as an integrative interdisciplinary area of knowledge is the problems of complex biomedical research of the role and significance of natural life on Earth in the fate of all mankind and philosophical understanding of the creative and constructive activities of people. The interest in the problem of life manifests itself in various forms and characterizes the radical changes that are taking place in the natural and social development of the world, and especially in Russia. Therefore, a philosophical consciousness of the ultimate limits of the ethical and legal components of human scientific activity in its various manifestations became a special area in the scientific study of life.

"Surely, professionalism is now appreciated. But does society need physicians and lawyers who have no idea about the basic norms of morality?" the contemporary philosopher A.L. Nikiforov reasonably asks. "Do we need biologists who do not care whether they experiment on a rat or a human being? Do we need scientists and engineers who are equally willing to build a nuclear power plant, an atomic bomb, or a portable explosive device? Will the 'professionals' be decent and responsible citizens of their country? Unlikely. The bias towards naked 'professionalism' is fraught with the fact that if to

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