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Weep for the one who suffers, not for the one who leaves.


Happy is one who visited this world in its fateful moments.

F.I. Tyutchev Ethics is moral responsibility for everything that lives and will live. A. Schweitzer

In the era of the entry of mankind into a new anthropogenic civilization, it must ascend to a higher level of its morality, at which all members of the human race are considered as equal individuals, "goals in themselves" (I. Kant). An important point that has become obvious today is the urgent need to make the ideology of biomedical ethics work. In order to learn the ways and means of preserving life on Earth and preserving people's health, it is necessary to philosophically rethink such moral algorithms of natural life and human activity as the meaning of life, goodness, compassion, duty, freedom of choice, conscience, personal responsibility, honor, dignity. That is why this chapter presents not strict moral requirements and instructions, but philosophical reasoning about the need to appeal by modern scientists, doctors, specialists themselves, related to the problems of preserving life on Earth, to reason and conscience in their professional activities.

Ever since humanity has realized itself as a reformer of the world, it has assumed responsibility for everything it creates. This responsibility is manifested in the voluntary performance of ethical functions by scientists, doctors, specialists in order to preserve the natural environment and preserve human health. The situation, in which mankind finds itself today, gives rise to serious concerns about its existence. The profound qualitative changes that have taken place in science, medicine, and human consciousness make it necessary to comprehend the algorithms for preserving life, which should be based on the bioethical examination of scientific creativity. This examination should be aimed at critical understanding of scientific research, especially in the medical field of knowledge, which is associated with the risk of negative impact on people's lives.

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