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1. Ethics: definition; emergence as a science; goals; tasks.

2. Current trends in biomedical ethics.

3. Biomedical ethics. Concept, goals, objectives.

4. The emergence of morality, its historical development.

5. Moral problems of organ and tissue transplantation from corpses (presumption of agreement and disagreement).

6. Law. Relationship with moral and ethical standards.

7. The problem of human cloning.

8. History of emergence and development of basic ethical theories.

9. Medical ethics. Development history, goals, objectives.

10. Paid medicine. The discrepancy between legal and moral principles.

11. Moral problems of resource allocation in various health care systems (public, private and insurance).

12. Euthanasia. Definition, types.

13. Deontology. Concept, definition, history of formation.

14. The word of a medic as a remedy.

15. Models of moral medicine in modern society.

16. Mass media and medicine. Moral and ethical problems.

17. The rights of patients and medics.

18. Moral issues associated with organ transplants from living donors.

19. Basic models of the relationship between physicians and patients.

20. The right to choose a physician.

21. Moral and ethical problems of conducting experiments.

22. The informed consent principle. Concept, meaning.

23. Moral and ethical problems of interference with human reproduction.

24. Patient's right to refuse medical intervention.

25. The history of a doctor's relationship to a dying patient.

26. History of the problem of euthanasia.

27. The "do no harm" principle concept, history of formation.

28. Moral problems of organs and tissue transplantation.

29. Ethical principles of conducting experiments on animals.

30. AIDS. Moral and ethical problems.

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