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1. Correlate the sections of philosophical knowledge with philosophical doctrine:

1) ontology; a) the doctrine of human;

2) gnoseology; b) the doctrine of existence;

3) philosophical anthropology; с) the doctrine of knowledge;

4) ethics; d) doctrine of morality and ethics;

2. The founder of ancient ethics is considered:

a) Thales;

b) Socrates;

c) Plato;

d) Aristotle.

3. Mental processes uncontrolled by human consciousness have received the name:

a) introspection;

b) super-ego;

c) the unconscious;

d) eros.

4. The philosophical development of empirical and rational methods of cognition is necessary primarily for:

a) science;

b) religion;

c) art;

d) philosophy.

5. According to the form of its manifestation, ''consciousness'' is:

a) material;

b) ideal;

c) transcendental;

d) biological.

6. A person's awareness of self as a person is:

a) consciousness;

b) self-awareness;

c) memory;

d) thinking.

7. The system of principles and rules governing the behavior and communication of people in society:

a) ideology;

b) aesthetics;

c) philosophy;

d) ethics.

8. Modern world religions:

a) Christianity;

b) Islam;

c) Buddhism;

d) Hinduism;

e) Judaism.

9. The dialectical-materialistic principle-criterion, which indicates the for-mational nature of the development of humankind:

a) market relations;

b) the type of national culture;

c) the level of development of the spiritual potential of society;

d) the method of production of material and spiritual values.

10. "Human by nature is a social (political) animal endowed with reason," said the famous philosopher:

a) Aristotle;

b) Marx;

c) Freud;

d) Popper.

11. Consciousness is viewed as a property of highly organized matter in:

a) objective idealism;

b) subjective idealism;

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