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Principles and Methods of Basic Life Support. Artificial Ventilation and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)


1. Signs of life.

2. Signs of death.

3. Assessment of breathing and heartbeat.

4. Basic life support (BLS): definition.

5. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): definition.

6. Indications for resuscitation.

7. Indications for basic life support.

8. Artificial ventilation: definition.

9. Airway obstruction.

10. Maintenance of an adequate airway.

11. Respiratory distress and respiratory arrest.

12. The signs and symptoms of respiratory distress.

13. The signs and symptoms of respiratory arrest.

14. Opening the airway. Safar's method.

15. Rescue breathing: definition, methods.

16. Rescue breathing: rate and depth.

17. Criteria for the correct execution of artificial ventilation.

18. Artificial ventilation in infants and children.

19. Artificial ventilation in inhalation poisoning.

20. Cardiac arrest: definition.

21. Signs and symptoms of a heart attack.

22. Artificial circulation: definition, methods.

23. Chest compressions.

24. Criteria for the correct execution of the chest compression.

25. Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on infants and children.

26. Criteria for resuscitation efficiency.

27. Complications of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

28. Automated defibrillation.

29. The recovery position.

30. Self-protective measures for first aider during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


Instructions: Each question is followed by a series of possible answers or choices. Read the question and decide which answer or choice is the best.

1. What is your first step in the absence of the carotid pulse?

a) secure the airway;

b) start 30 chest compressions;

c) start 2 rescue breaths;

d) start 15 chest compressions.

2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is required when:

a) victim is not breathing;

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