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This multiple choice testing includes questions on etiopathogenesis, classification, diagnostics and treatment

of diseases, described above.

They are made up according to following principles:

 tasks are made up in the practically feasible way for the fast and easy understanding of the essence

 tasks are significant for every theme

 tasks suppose to choose one answer (right or wrong)

 tasks are made up in form of the short comment, which excludes a dual interpretation

 there are not the vagueness or uncertainty in the text of tasks

 there are not promptings in the formulation of tasks

 the formulation of tasks is in the narrative form

 there are not phrases in answers: "all variants are right", "all variants are wrong" and e.t.c.

 all tasks have 5 variants of answer (distractors)

 distractors are close to the meaning and equiprobable, that exclude the guessing.

The basic list in this test-book contains 50 test-tasks on every topic. All tasks are original. Answers on most of the tasks can be found in the text of this manual.

We do not give standards of answers, because we consider that a student should find answers by himself. On the site www.bormi.ru there is a program with these tests for a computer. With the help of this program it is possible to check and assess answers on tests. The program has a regulation of the answer's time and a number of right answers, for which a grade is given. The program has archives about all data of a student and his grade. The program has, apart from a control, and a teaching meaning, because demonstrates a wrong answer and gives a right one. With the help of the program it is possible to realize a current check of knowledge by every theme (10 questions) and a final check by the whole course (50 questions).

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