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Chapter 22. Pregnancy, labor and postpartum period in women with extragenital diseases

Starting at puberty female morbidity grows to reach 82% of accumulated disease by early adulthood. Nowadays childhood and adolescence is the time when young people start experimenting with psychoactive substances, alcohol, smoking. Unreasonable reproductive behavior aggravates the situation: the mean age to start sex life is 15.9 in girls; almost 40% of them have their first abortion at the age 16-17. These negative phenomena reduce the reproductive potential of teenage girls.

Among young women with childbirth ahead of them, 42% are anemic, 21% have chronic pyelonephritis, 11% - hypertonic disease, etc.

Smoking and alcohol abuse by ailing women aggravate the systemic changes in the body during pregnancy.

These factors of ill health combined with reproductive disorders (first abortion sequelae, gynecologic disease, etc.) produce a population at high obstetric and perinatal risk, that is, at high risk for maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.

In advanced countries maternal mortality from extragenital disease holds the first or second place.

This burden can be reduced by promoting women's health prior to and during pregnancy, which is the objective of physicians in all specialities, first of all in the field of therapy, cardiology, cardiosurgery, nephrology, hematology. In case of a somatic or infectious disease the physician (perinatal consilium) should consider the possibility of carrying the pregnancy to term, methods of treating the main condition and providing early diagnostics of fetoplacental insufficiency that develops in virtually all unhealthy women.

Prevention of obstetric and perinatal complications in unhealthy pregnant women is the major objective confronting the entire health care system. The objective of obstetrics is to prevent obstetric and perinatal complications in unhealthy women considering the specifics of the extragenital condition.

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