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Марк Дж. Арендс (Mark J. Arends) MBChB BSc MA PhD FRCPath

Professor of Pathology University of Edinburgh and Consultant Pathologist NHS Lothian Hospitals Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Кристофер О.К. Беллами (Christopher O.C. Bellamy) MBBS PhD FRCPath

Reader in Hepatic and Renal Pathology University of Edinburgh and Honorary Consultant Histopathologist NHS Lothian Hospitals Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Льюис Белтран (Luis Beltran) MD FRCPath

Consultant Urological Pathologist Barts Health NHS Trust London, United Kingdom

Джонатан Н. Берг (Jonathan N. Berg) MSc MD FRCP(Ed)

Senior Lecturer in Clinical Genetics University of Dundee and Consultant in Clinical Genetics Ninewells Hospital and Medical School Dundee, United Kingdom

Дэниел М. Берни (Daniel M. Berney) MA MB BChir FRCPath

Professor of Genito-Urinary Pathology Consultant Histopathologist Department of Cellular Pathology Bartshealth NHS Trust London, United Kingdom

Асок Бисвас (Asok Biswas) MD FRCPath DipRCPath

Consultant Dermatopathologist NHS Lothian Hospitals and Honorary Senior Lecturer University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Аластер Д. Берт (Alastair D. Burt) BSc MD FRCPath FRSB FRCP FRCPA FAHMS

Emeritus Professor and formerly Executive Dean Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Adelaide Adelaide, Australia

Фрэнсис А. Кэри (Francis A. Carey) BSc MD FRCPath

Consultant Pathologist and Professor of Pathology Department of Pathology Ninewells Hospital and Medical School Dundee, United Kingdom

Рунджан Четти (Runjan Chetty) DPhil FRCPA FRCPC FCAP FRCPath

Program Medical Director/Pathologist in Chief JCB Grant Chair in Oncological Pathology University Health Network Professor of Pathology University of Toronto Toronto, Canada

Дэвид А. Дорвард (David A. Dorward) BSc MBChB PhD MRCP FRCPath

Clinical Lecturer in Histopathology Centre for Inflammation Research University of Edinburgh and Specialist Trainee in Histopathology NHS Lothian Hospitals Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Стюарт Флеминг (Stewart Fleming) BSc MD FRCPath

Emeritus Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pathology University of Dundee Ninewells Hospital Dundee, United Kingdom

К. Саймон Харрингтон (C. Simon Herrington) MA DPhil FRCP FRCPE FRCPath

Professor of Pathology University of Edinburgh and Consultant Pathologist NHS Lothian Hospitals Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Кристофер Холте (Kristofer Holte) MB BCh BAO MRCP (Dermatology)

Specialist Trainee in Histopathology NHS Lothian Hospitals Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Стивен Дж. Дженкинс (Stephen J. Jenkins BSc PhD)

Lecturer, Centre for Inflammation Research University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Тимоти Дж. Кендалл (Timothy J. Kendall) BSc BM PhD FRCPath

Senior Clinical Fellow in Pathology Centre for Inflammation Research University of Edinburgh and Honorary Consultant Histopathologist NHS Lothian Hospitals Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Элайн Макдуфф (Elaine MacDuff) BSc MBChB FRCPath

Consultant Pathologist Department of Pathology Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow, United Kingdom

Генри Дж. Максорли (Henry J. McSorley) MSci PhD

Chancellor’s Fellow Centre for Inflammation Research University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Сарджу Мехта (Sarju Mehta) BSc FRCP

Consultant in Clinical Genetics Department of Clinical Genetics Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge, United Kingdom

Уэйн Нг (Wen Ng) FRCPath

Consultant Pathologist Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom

Джеймс А.Р. Николл (James A.R. Nicoll) BSc MD FRCPath

Professor of Neuropathology Clinical Neurosciences University of Southampton and Consultant Neuropathologist University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust Southampton, United Kingdom

Продипто Пал (Prodipto Pal) MD PhD

Consultant Thoracic Pathologist University Health Network Assistant Professor of Pathology University of Toronto Toronto, Canada

Сара Э. Пиндер (Sarah E. Pinder) FRCPath

Professor of Breast Pathology School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences King’s College London and Consultant Pathologist Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom

Александра Райс (Alexandra Rice) FRCPath

Consultant Histopathologist Honorary Senior Lecturer in Pathology Imperial College Department of Histopathology Royal Brompton Hospital London, United Kingdom

Фиона Робертс (Fiona Roberts) BSc MD FRCPath

Consultant Ophthalmic Pathologist Department of Pathology Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow, United Kingdom

Мэри Н. Шеппард (Mary N. Sheppard) BSc MD FRCPI FRCPath

Professor of Cardiovascular Pathology Cardiovascular Sciences St George’s Medical School London, United Kingdom

Уильям Стюарт (William Stewart) MBChB PhD FRCPath

Consultant Neuropathologist Honorary Clinical Associate Professor Department of Pathology Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and University of Glasgow Glasgow, United Kingdom and Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Neurosurgery University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Дина Г. Тинакос (Dina G. Tiniakos) MD PhD

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Cellular Pathology Institute of Cellular Medicine Faculty of Medical Sciences Newcastle University and Consultant Histopathologist Department of Cellular Pathology Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Пол ван Дер Валк (Paul Van der Valk) MD PhD

Professor of Pathology Department of Pathology Amsterdam University Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Шэрон Дж. Уайт (Sharon J. White) BMSc BDS MFDS RCPS Glasg PhD FRCPath

Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Oral Pathology Department of Pathology Ninewells Hospital and Medical School Dundee, United Kingdom

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