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Chapter 7 ABDOMEN

Fig. 7.1. Sagittal cut of abdominal and pelvic cavities: 1 - diaphragm; 2 - liver; 3 - XII thoracal vertebra; 4 - pancreas; 5 - I lumbar vertebra; 6 - duodenum; 7 - sacrum; 8 - rectum; 9 - rectouterine excavation; 10 - urinary bladder; 11 - pubic bone; 12 - uterus; 13 - vesicouterine excavation; 14 - promontory; 15 - greater omentum; 16 - small intestine; 17 - IV lumbar vertebra; 18 - transverse colon; 19 - mesentery of transverse colon; 20 - omentum bursa; 21 - pregastric bursa; 22 - lesser omentum; 23 - subdiaphragm space; 24 - coronary ligament of liver

Fig. 7.2. Regions of anterior abdominal wall: 1 - proprial epigastric region; 2 - left subcostal region; 3 - umbilical region; 4 - left lateral region; 5 - left inguinal region; 6 - pubic region; 7 - right inguinal region; 8 - right lateral region; 9 - right subcostal region

The abdominal cavity is the space lined with the intra-abdominal fascia. The abdominal cavity is bounded in front and from the side by the anterolateral abdominal wall, and behind by the posterior abdominal wall. Its upper limit is the diaphragm; its lower border is the end line of the pelvis. The abdominal cavity consists of the abdominal organs and the retroperitoneal space.


Borders. Above it is bordered by the right costal arch, the xiphoid process of the sternum and the left costal arch. The bottom is bordered by the inguinal folds and the upper edge of the symphysis pubis. The lateral borders are represented by a continuation of the mid-axillary line and a vertical line from the lower point of the tenth rib to the iliac crest.

The anterolateral abdominal wall is divided into three parts by two horizontal lines. The upper horizontal line connects the low points of the edge arcs. The lower horizontal line connects the anterior superior iliac spines. The result is the epigastric, gastric, and hypogastric sections of the anterolateral abdominal wall. Two vertical lines drawn on the lateral borders of the rectus abdominis muscles divide each section into three areas. The epigastric region is divided into the right hypochondriac region, the left hypochondriac region, and the epigastric region proper. The stomach compartment is divided into right and left lateral and umbilical regions. The sublingual region is divided into the right groin, the left groin, and the suprapubic region.

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