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Formation of the national policy for the protection and promotion of health and healthy people is one of the priorities of domestic healthcare. Following the strategic plan of actions for the industry development adopted in March 2003 at the meeting of the grand board of the Ministry of Health of Russia, and with further adopted relevant documents (On approval of the industry program "Health Protection and Promotion Among Healthy Humans for 2003-2010", order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated March 21, 2003 No. 114), a fundamentally new area of activity is developing - transition from the system focused on disease treatment to the system of measures for healthy citizens protection based on the new insight into healthy lifestyle and its role in diseases prevention. Most of the postulated principles of a healthy lifestyle are very effective in terms of prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases (A.N. Razumov et al.).

It should be emphasised that top priorities of the previously adopted program "Health Protection and Promotion Among Healthy Humans for 2003- 2010" are as follows.

► Availability of express health assessment activities and population health improvement regardless of the social status of citizens, their income and place of residence.

► A priority of recreational activities and preventive measures in the area of public health.

► Continuity of recreational activities throughout the entire human life.

► People's responsibility for their health and the health of their family members.

► The realisation of the internal harmony of the physical, mental and spiritual state of a person, as well as the harmony with the ecological and social environment.

► Focus on the quantitative assessment of the spare capacities of the body and their correction for the realisation of human health potential.

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