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UNIT 14. Postpartum Care


Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

1. What is the time of the postpartum period?

2. What are the signs of the postpartum changes in the body of the woman?

3. In what cases a woman must consult a doctor?

Exercise 2. Describe the meaning of the statement: "The first 6-10 weeks after the birth is a joyous time, but it's also a period of adjustment and healing for new mothers".

Exercise 3. Read the text and say if the following statements are true (T) or

false (F).

1. The postpartum period refers to the first twelve weeks after childbirth.

2. During these weeks, the woman has a post-delivery checkup with her doctor.

3. Adjusting and learning how to cope with the demands of the baby can cause many women to feel depressed for the 10 weeks after delivery.

4. New mothers notice many physical changes.

5. Childbirth triggers a jumble of powerful emotions.

6. Some new moms experience a period of feeling down or anxious, sometimes called the ?baby blues?.

7. Most new mothers are recommended not to change the daily routine to ease the transition period.

8. Postpartum depression can be diagnosed up to a year after giving birth, and it is more common in women with a history of depression, multiple life stressors, and a family history of depression.


The postpartum period refers to the first six weeks after childbirth. During the first six - ten weeks after birth, the woman will bond with the baby and she will have a post-delivery checkup with her doctor. This is a joyous time, but it is also a period of adjustment and healing for new mothers. Adjusting

and learning how to cope with the demands of the baby (especially if it is the first one) can cause many women to feel depressed for the first week or two after delivery.

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